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    Access Control

    Products 4459
    • Access Control Readers
    • Access Control Credentials
    • Access Control Credentials
    • Access Control Credentials
    • Access Control Credentials
    • Access Control Credentials
    • Access Control Credentials
    • Access Control Credentials
    • Access Control Credentials
    • Access Control Credentials
    • Access Control Credentials
    Tarjeta NXP® ICODE® SLIX2 [0501600754]
    Tarjeta NXP® ICODE® SLIX2
    Ref.: 0501600754
    ISO CR-80 (85.6 x 54 x 0.76 mm) 13.56 MHz proximity smart card without contact chip (ISO15693 / ISO18000-3). 2560 bit EEPROM memory, incl. 1280 bit for the user, with DSFID-EAS-AFI encryption. Made of PVC. White, without screen printing. Minimum order: 2,000 units (in packages of 2,000 units).
    V.A.T. included
    0.71 €
    Tarjeta NXP® DESFire™ EV3 8K [0501600747]
    Tarjeta NXP® DESFire™ EV3 8K
    Ref.: 0501600747
    ISO CR-80 (85.6 x 54 x 0.76 mm) 13.56 MHz proximity smart card without contact chip (NFC Tag Type 4). 8 KByte DESFire™ EV3 memory with DES / 2K3DES / 3K3DES / AES encryption. 7-byte random UID. EAL5 + certificate. SUN message authentication for advanced data protection. Transaction timer to mitigate man-in-the-middle attacks. Perfect integration of mobile services in combination with MIFARE 2GO. Made of PVC. White, without screen printing. Minimum order: 2,000 units (in packages of 2,000 units).
    V.A.T. included
    2.78 €
    Tarjeta NXP® DESFire™ EV3 4K [0501600746]
    Tarjeta NXP® DESFire™ EV3 4K
    Ref.: 0501600746
    ISO CR-80 (85.6 x 54 x 0.76 mm) 13.56 MHz proximity smart card without contact chip (NFC Tag Type 4). DESFire™ EV3 4 KByte memory with DES / 2K3DES / 3K3DES / AES encryption. 7-byte random UID. EAL5 + certificate. SUN message authentication for advanced data protection. Transaction timer to mitigate man-in-the-middle attacks. Perfect integration of mobile services in combination with MIFARE 2GO. Made of PVC. White, without screen printing. Minimum order: 2,000 units (in packages of 2,000 units).
    V.A.T. included
    2.46 €
    Tarjeta NXP® DESFire™ EV3 2K [0501600745]
    Tarjeta NXP® DESFire™ EV3 2K
    Ref.: 0501600745
    ISO CR-80 (85.6 x 54 x 0.76 mm) 13.56 MHz proximity smart card without contact chip (NFC Tag Type 4). 2 KByte DESFire™ EV3 memory with DES / 2K3DES / 3K3DES / AES encryption. 7-byte random UID. EAL5 + certificate. SUN message authentication for advanced data protection. Transaction timer to mitigate man-in-the-middle attacks. Perfect integration of mobile services in combination with MIFARE 2GO. Made of PVC. White, without screen printing. Minimum order: 2,000 units (in packages of 2,000 units).
    V.A.T. included
    2.00 €
    Tarjeta NXP® DESFire™ EV2 32K [0501600694]
    Tarjeta NXP® DESFire™ EV2 32K
    Ref.: 0501600694
    ISO CR-80 (85.6 x 54 x 0.76 mm) 13.56 MHz proximity smart card without contact chip (NFC Tag Type 4). 32 KByte DESFire™ EV2 memory with DES / 2K3DES / 3K3DES / AES encryption. 7-byte random UID. EAL5 + certificate. Made of PVC. White, without screen printing. Minimum order: 2,000 units (in packages of 2,000 units).
    V.A.T. included
    Tarjeta NXP® DESFire™ EV2 16K [0501600693]
    Tarjeta NXP® DESFire™ EV2 16K
    Ref.: 0501600693
    ISO CR-80 (85.6 x 54 x 0.76 mm) 13.56 MHz proximity smart card without contact chip (NFC Tag Type 4). 16 KByte DESFire™ EV2 memory with DES / 2K3DES / 3K3DES / AES encryption. 7-byte random UID. EAL5 + certificate. Made of PVC. White, without screen printing. Minimum order: 2,000 units (in packages of 2,000 units).
    V.A.T. included
    Tarjeta NXP® MIFARE™ DESFire™ Light [0501600686]
    Tarjeta NXP® MIFARE™ DESFire™ Light
    Ref.: 0501600686
    ISO CR-80 (85.6 x 54 x 0.76 mm) proximity smart card 13.56 MHz (NFC Type Tag 4) without contact chip. DESFire™ 640 byte memory with EAL4 tier AES or LPR encryption. 7-byte UID (ISO Cascade Level 2). Made of PVC. White, without screen printing. Minimum order: 2,000 units (in packages of 2,000 units).
    V.A.T. included
    1.14 €
    Tarjeta NXP® MIFARE™ EV1 4K 7BUID [0501900027-5]
    Tarjeta NXP® MIFARE™ EV1 4K 7BUID
    Ref.: 0501900027-5
    ISO CR-80 (85.6 x 54 x 0.76 mm) proximity smart card 13.56 MHz without contact chip. MIFARE™ 4 Kbytes memory (40 sectors). 7-byte UID. Anti collision. Made of PVC. White, without screen printing. Minimum order: 2,000 units (in packages of 2,000 units).
    V.A.T. included
    1.73 €
    Tarjeta NXP® NTAG™ 424 DNA [0501600702]
    Tarjeta NXP® NTAG™ 424 DNA
    Ref.: 0501600702
    ISO CR-80 (85.6 x 54 x 0.76 mm) 13.56 MHz proximity smart card (NFC Forum Tag 4 Type) without contact chip. NTAG 424 DNA chip. Random encryption UID EAL4. 416-byte EEPROM memory. Made of PVC. White, without screen printing. Minimum order: 2,000 units (in packages of 2,000 units).
    V.A.T. included
    0.94 €
    NXP® MIFARE™ Classic EV1 4K + ATA5577™ Card [0501600596]
    NXP® MIFARE™ Classic EV1 4K + ATA5577™ Card
    Ref.: 0501600596
    Contacless ISO CR-80 (85.6 x 54 x 0.76 mm) 13.56 MHz + 125 KHz smart card without contact chip. MIFARE™ 4 Kbytes memory (40 sectors) at 13.56 MHz and 64 bits read only memory at 125 KHz (chip ATA5577™). 7 bytes UID (MIFARE™). Anti-collision for 13.56 MHz. Made of PVC. White, without marking. MOQ: 2.000 units (2.000 units/package).
    V.A.T. included
    3.61 €
    NXP® MIFARE™ Classic EV1 4K + Q5™ Card [665401-S]
    NXP® MIFARE™ Classic EV1 4K + Q5™ Card
    Ref.: 665401-S
    Contacless ISO CR-80 (85.6 x 54 x 0.76 mm) 13.56 MHz + 125 KHz smart card without contact chip. MIFARE™ 4 Kbytes memory (40 sectors) at 13.56 MHz and 264 bits read/write memory at 125 KHz (chip Q5™). 7 bytes UID (MIFARE™). Anti-collision for 13.56 MHz. Made of PVC. White, without marking. MOQ: 2.000 units (2.000 units/package).
    V.A.T. included
    2.92 €
    NXP® MIFARE™ Classic EV1 1K + ATA5577™ Card [0501600597]
    NXP® MIFARE™ Classic EV1 1K + ATA5577™ Card
    Ref.: 0501600597
    Contacless ISO CR-80 (85.6 x 54 x 0.76 mm) 13.56 MHz + 125 KHz smart card without contact chip. MIFARE™ 1 Kbyte memory (16 sectors) at 13.56 MHz and 64 bits read only memory at 125 KHz (chip ATA5577™). 7 bytes UID (MIFARE™). Anti-collision for 13.56 MHz. Made of PVC. White, without marking. MOQ: 2.000 units (2.000 units/package).
    V.A.T. included
    2.15 €
    NXP® MIFARE™ Classic EV1 1K + Q5™ Card [645401-H]
    NXP® MIFARE™ Classic EV1 1K + Q5™ Card
    Ref.: 645401-H
    Contacless ISO CR-80 (85.6 x 54 x 0.76 mm) 13.56 MHz + 125 KHz smart card without contact chip. MIFARE™ 1 Kbyte memory (16 sectors) at 13.56 MHz and 264 bits read/write memory at 125 KHz (chip Q5™). 7 bytes UID (MIFARE™). Anti-collision for 13.56 MHz. Made of PVC. White, without marking. MOQ: 2.000 units (2.000 units/package).
    V.A.T. included
    NXP® MIFARE™ Classic EV1 1K + UNIQUE™ Card [653140]
    NXP® MIFARE™ Classic EV1 1K + UNIQUE™ Card
    Ref.: 653140
    Contacless ISO CR-80 (85.6 x 54 x 0.76 mm) 13.56 MHz + 125 KHz smart card without contact chip. MIFARE™ 1 Kbyte memory (16 sectors) at 13.56 MHz and 64 bits read only memory at 125 KHz (chip UNIQUE™). 7 bytes UID (MIFARE™). Anti-collision for 13.56 MHz. Made of PVC. White, without marking. MOQ: 2.000 units (2.000 units/package).
    V.A.T. included
    3.38 €
    NXP® MIFARE™ Classic EV1 1K Epoxy Keyfob [607140]
    NXP® MIFARE™ Classic EV1 1K Epoxy Keyfob
    Ref.: 607140
    Epoxy 13.56 MHz contacless keyfob. BLACK colour (also available BLUE and RED). ISO 10373, ISO 60529. MIFARE™ 1 Kbyte memory (16 sectors) at 13.56 MHz. 7 bytes UID (MIFARE™). Anti-collision. IP67. PC enclosure. Made of PVC. Without marking (Optional marking in front side). MOQ: 2,500 units (2,500 units/package).
    V.A.T. included
    2.25 €
    NXP® MIFARE™ DESFire® EV1 4K Keyfob (Tear Type) [6A1031-xxx]
    NXP® MIFARE™ DESFire® EV1 4K Keyfob (Tear Type)
    Ref.: 6A1031-xxx
    Tear type 13.56 MHz contacless keyfob. BLACK colour (also available BLUE and RED). ISO 10373, ISO 60529. DESFire® 4 Kbytes memory (3DES or AES criptography) at 13.56 MHz. 7 bytes random UID. Anti-collision. IP67. PC enclosure. Made of PVC. Without marking (Optional marking in front side). MOQ: 1.200 units (1.200 units/package).
    V.A.T. included
    3.39 €
    NXP® MIFARE™ DESFire® EV1 2K Keyfob (Tear Type) [6A0031-xxx]
    NXP® MIFARE™ DESFire® EV1 2K Keyfob (Tear Type)
    Ref.: 6A0031-xxx
    Tear type 13.56 MHz contacless keyfob. BLACK colour (also available BLUE and RED). ISO 10373, ISO 60529. DESFire® 2 Kbytes memory (3DES or AES criptography) at 13.56 MHz. 7 bytes random UID. Anti-collision. IP67. PC enclosure. Made of PVC. Without marking (Optional marking in front side). MOQ: 1.200 units (1.200 units/package).
    V.A.T. included
    2.90 €
    NXP® MIFARE™ Classic EV1 4K Keyfob (Tear Type) [627031-xxx]
    NXP® MIFARE™ Classic EV1 4K Keyfob (Tear Type)
    Ref.: 627031-xxx
    Tear type 13.56 MHz contacless keyfob. BLACK colour (also available BLUE and RED). ISO 10373, ISO 60529. MIFARE™ 4 Kbytes memory (40 sectors) at 13.56 MHz. 7 bytes UID (MIFARE™). Anti-collision. IP67. PC enclosure. Made of PVC. Without marking (Optional marking in front side). MOQ: 1.200 units (1.200 units/package).
    V.A.T. included
    2.18 €
    NXP® MIFARE™ Classic EV1 1K Keyfob (Tear Type) [607031-xxx]
    NXP® MIFARE™ Classic EV1 1K Keyfob (Tear Type)
    Ref.: 607031-xxx
    Tear type 13.56 MHz contacless keyfob. BLACK colour (also available BLUE and RED). ISO 10373, ISO 60529. MIFARE™ 1 Kbyte memory (16 sectors) at 13.56 MHz. 7 bytes UID (MIFARE™). Anti-collision. IP67. PC enclosure. Made of PVC. Without marking (Optional marking in front side). MOQ: 1.200 units (1.200 units/package).
    V.A.T. included
    1.51 €
    NXP® ICODE® SLIX Sticker [0501600509]
    NXP® ICODE® SLIX Sticker
    Ref.: 0501600509
    Contacless 13.56 MHz smart sticker ISO CR-80 (85.6 x 54 mm) form factor without contact chip. ID1-size cards with breakout (size 48 x 25 mm). 2048 bit EEPROM memory (1280 bits available for user). 7 bytes random UID (EAS-AFI criptography). Anti-collision. Made of PVC. White, without marking. MOQ: 1.500 units (1.500 units/package).
    V.A.T. included
    5.20 €
    NXP® MIFARE™ DESFire® EV1 8K Sticker [0501600472]
    NXP® MIFARE™ DESFire® EV1 8K Sticker
    Ref.: 0501600472
    Contacless 13.56 MHz smart sticker ISO CR-80 (85.6 x 54 mm) form factor without contact chip. ID1-size cards with breakout (size 48 x 25 mm). DESFire® 8 Kbytes memory (3DES or AES criptography). 7 bytes random UID. Anti-collision. Made of PVC. White, without marking. MOQ: 1.500 units (1.500 units/package).
    V.A.T. included
    7.31 €
    NXP® MIFARE™ DESFire® EV1 4K Sticker [0501600471]
    NXP® MIFARE™ DESFire® EV1 4K Sticker
    Ref.: 0501600471
    Contacless 13.56 MHz smart sticker ISO CR-80 (85.6 x 54 mm) form factor without contact chip. ID1-size cards with breakout (size 48 x 25 mm). DESFire® 4 Kbytes memory (3DES or AES criptography). 7 bytes random UID. Anti-collision. Made of PVC. White, without marking. MOQ: 1.500 units (1.500 units/package).
    V.A.T. included
    6.96 €
    NXP® MIFARE™ DESFire® EV1 2K Sticker [0501600441]
    NXP® MIFARE™ DESFire® EV1 2K Sticker
    Ref.: 0501600441
    Contacless 13.56 MHz smart sticker ISO CR-80 (85.6 x 54 mm) form factor without contact chip. ID1-size cards with breakout (size 48 x 25 mm). DESFire® 2 Kbytes memory (3DES or AES criptography). 7 bytes random UID. Anti-collision. Made of PVC. White, without marking. MOQ: 1.500 units (1.500 units/package).
    V.A.T. included
    6.51 €
    NXP® MIFARE™ Classic EV1 4K Mobile Sticker [0501600473]
    NXP® MIFARE™ Classic EV1 4K Mobile Sticker
    Ref.: 0501600473
    Contacless 13.56 MHz smart sticker ISO CR-80 (85.6 x 54 mm) form factor without contact chip. ID1-size cards with breakout (size 48 x 25 mm). MIFARE™ 4 Kbytes memory (40 sectors). 7 bytes UID. Anti-collision. Made of PVC. White, without marking. MOQ: 1.500 units (1.500 units/package).
    V.A.T. included
    6.17 €
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